How to Trade Forex Using the ZIGZAG Indicator?

There is a smooth manner and one of the best forex trading strategies to make cash in foreign exchange with this ZigZag trading approach. The zigzag sample will provide you with a more detailed view of the price swings in specific time frames. You may swing change, day change, or can do scalping with this […]

There are many forex traders’ jobs in the world. If you can make profitable trades or have extensive knowledge of technical and fundamental analysis, you can consider trading as a job. What is the Forex Market? The forex market is the world’s biggest financial market, which is 3 to 4 times bigger than the New […]
Understand Top 15 Candlestick Patterns for Day Trading

BEST CANDLESTICK PATTERNS FOR DAY-TRADING When you will start to learn forex trading techniques and analysis, you will find out about candlestick patterns. I am assuming you all know about Candles. If not read our post “What is Bears, Bulls & Candles? Forex Fundamentals.” So, let’s start with the Candlestick Patterns. You will find several […]
What You Should Consider in Choosing a Forex Broker?

Security of the Broker The most important factor that is good broker must have is the high level of security he can offer. It is very obvious that you are not going to hand over thousands of dollars to a person you don’t know properly, right? But you don’t have to worry, because it is […]
Top Forex Risk Management Strategies for Beginners

The most debated topic in Forex trading is “Risk Management.” All traders want to reduce the amount of potential loss; at the same time, they want to make the maximum profit possible from a trade. It is a well-known fact that you have to risk more to earn more. This is where the question of […]